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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Something to share with you...about FAMILY


Salam semua....I came across this short funeral one of the blog that I hop into and it really touches my heart!! I would love to share this with you guys....its about FAMILY!



kucingorengemok said...

takyah tunggu mati... suami pegi kursus kejap pun dah rimas takde bunyi macam² kat rumah, takde org tinggal kain pelekat, tuala, etc... :|

sharamli said...

erm..cmna la kal0 0rg kawen nnt..hu3

Watierman said...

Kog kalau ada kita selalu nampak yg remeh temeh tu...and take it lightly...bila not around...those things will surely make us think of them.... kita2 yg dah kawen ni jugak le!@!!tul tak Kog???

Unknown said...

salam watie..masak apa hari ni..